Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why Take Private School English Lessons

Why Take Private School English Lessons How English Tuition Can Help You and Your Child ChaptersReasons to Take Private English LessonsChoosing the Right English Tutor for YouHow to Find an English TutorThe Cost of English TuitionAlthough English is a major part of the school curriculum, many pupils find it difficult, and at a young age, this can majorly affect their levels of self-esteem when it comes to their academic performance.This is just part of the reason why English tuition is in such high demand.From Key Stage 1 all the way up to A Level, English lessons account for a large part of private tuition delivered across the UK and beyond.And there’s no doubt as to why this is the case.For every native English speaker, getting to grips with the grammar rules, tricky spelling and even handwriting are all significant hurdles that must be overcome to achieve true mastery of the language.Have you noticed your child struggling with their English homework?For some, understanding the complex aspects of the English language as well as practicing reading and writing is just too much to do with a school teacher alone.This is why many parents reach out to English tutors or tutoring companies to give their child the boost in confidence they need to achieve academic success.There are many fantastic reasons to enrol in extra-curricular English lessons, such as the fact that private tuition offers an opportunity for students to be taught according to their needs as an individual.This means that the tutor will take their student’s strengths and weaknesses into account in their approach to teaching, so that course content is optimised for the learner and their personal learning style.However, this does not mean that all tutors are the same in their approach to teaching.It is important that the learner is at the heart of the tuition they are receiving, but as vital as it is, finding the ideal tutor isn’t always easy.It is important to find someone who can help with specific areas of difficulty such as spelling or reading comprehension, for example, at an a ppropriate level for the learner.When it comes to seeking a tutor, some parents and students are in the dark.But not to worry!There are plenty of avenues you can explore to make sure the tutor you choose is the right one for you.Of course, supplemental instruction does come at a cost â€" luckily, with our tips on choosing your ideal tutor, you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing affordable academic support.Need help for English exams? Hire a private tutor.wider audience than ever before, without having to join a tutoring agency.This means that more tutors are available to choose from, and they can develop their own teaching styles to suit their students.You may not have to look so far for your ideal tutor - they could be on your doorstep ¦ source: Pixabay - PexelsTutoring companies can also be useful - especially for those looking for a tutor to help them achieve specific grades in exams, as they can provide standardised and course-specific worksheets and textbooks to use alongside the student’s formal education.The easiest way to start your search for a tutor is to first look online.There is a wide range of platforms such as Superprof, where tutors from  all over the world advertise their services and are available for an online chat before you hire them as your tutor.A key benefit of finding a tutor online is the added security.By using online platforms rather than contacting tutors directly, you are adding a layer of safety, since many websites verify their tutors’ qualifications so that their users know they can trust them and gain valuable time.For those who prefer the traditional methods or if you’re looking for someone in your local area, there are also plenty of options.The advertising sections of local newspapers often display people offering tutoring services, with details on pricing and how to get in touch.Local shops and community notice boards are also good places to look for any leaflets or posters.Contacting the tutor dire ctly may be a more reliable way of conducting your mini interview since all it takes is a phone call!Whichever method you use to find your ideal tutor, it is important to make sure that they are qualified to an appropriate level or have an adequate level of experience in their field, as well as teaching experience.Carrying out these checks will ensure value for money and most importantly peace of mind.The Cost of English TuitionThe average price per hour for school English tuition in the UK is £19.28.This price is ever so slightly below the national average for one hour of tuition at £19.31, however, this does not mean that every hour-long English lesson in the UK costs around £19 â€" there are many factors which influence the pricing of one to one tuition.For instance, pricing can vary depending on where you live.Students in London pay £22.50 on average, whereas those in Pembrokeshire can expect to pay an average of just £15.00.Average prices in larger cities tend to be higher than those in rural areas, and this can be put down to demand.Cities offer a bigger choice when it comes to tutors, however, this also means higher demand, meaning tutors can charge more for their services.On the other hand, rural areas don’t offer as much competition between tutors and demand is lower, meaning that hourly rates are ultimately set with the tutee in mind.Densely populated areas also offer a wider range of skills from their tutors, simply because there are more of them and there is, therefore, a higher level of diversity in their knowledge.This means more tutors will be able to offer instruction at a higher level, driving the average price up.

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